#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

/* Total number of columns in board (including blank spaces) */
#define COLS 9

/* Total number of rows in board (actually rows of pegs) */
#define ROWS 4

/* Class to represent fractions and allow operations on them */
class fract {
        int numer, denom;
        /* Constructors */
        fract() : numer(0), denom(1) {}
        fract(int n, int d) : numer(n), denom(d) {}
        /* Convert fraction to decimal */
        inline double value(void) {
            return ((double) numer) / denom;

/* Extraction operator for parsing fractions */
istream &operator>>(istream &s, fract &f)
    char c;
    /* Parse entire fraction; c variable parses the "/" character */
    cin >> f.numer >> c >> f.denom;
    /* Check denominator */
    if(f.denom == 0)
        throw "Invalid denominator";

/* Compute least common multiple for two numbers */
int lcm(int n1, int n2)
    int a = n1, b = n2, r;

    /* Use Euclid's algorithm to find greatest common divisor */
    while(b != 0) {
        r = a % b;
        a = b;
        b = r;
    /* Compute least common multiple (a is now the gcd) */
    return (n1 / a) * n2;

/* Fraction multiplication */
fract operator*(fract const &a, fract const &b)
    fract f;
    f.numer = a.numer * b.numer;
    f.denom = a.denom * b.denom;
    return f;

/* Fraction addition */
fract operator+(fract const &a, fract const &b)
    fract f;
    int m = lcm(a.denom, b.denom);
    f.numer = (a.numer * (m / a.denom)) + (b.numer * (m / b.denom));
    f.denom = m;
    return f;
/* Fraction subtraction */
fract operator-(fract const &a, fract const &b)
    fract f;
    int m = lcm(a.denom, b.denom);
    f.numer = (a.numer * (m / a.denom)) - (b.numer * (m / b.denom));
    f.denom = m;
    return f;

 * Holds probabilities for each peg. The array actually represents the
 * entire board with pegs and spaces combined. Array cells representing
 * spaces are just wasted, since they will never be accessed by the
 * program. However, representing the board in this manner makes the
 * overall program logic simpler.
fract board[ROWS][COLS];

/* Accumulated number of paths reaching the current ending column */
int total_paths;

/* Accumulated probability of reaching the current ending column */
fract total_prob;

/* Read in all the probabilities and initialize board array */
void parse_board(void)
    int row, col;
    /* Iterate over all rows */
    for(row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
    	/* Odd numbered rows start in column 1, even in column 0 */
    	for(col = (row & 1) ? 1 : 0; col < COLS; col += 2) {
	    fract prob;
	    /* Parse entire fraction */
	    cin >> prob;
	    /* Probability of leftmost pegs on even rows must be 1 */
	    if(col == 0 && abs(1.0 - prob.value()) > 0.00001)
	    	throw "Invalid probability for left peg";

	    /* Probability of rightmost pegs on even rows must be 0 */
	    if(col == (COLS - 1) && abs(prob.value()) > 0.00001)
	    	throw "Invalid probability for right peg";

    	    /* Assign probability to board location */		
	    board[row][col] = prob;

 * Recursively explore all possible paths the chip can take.
 * row - starts of with 0 and is incremented by one for each recursive
 * call as the chip fall down. The recursion stops when row == ROWS.
 * col - starts with the column number into which the chip is first dropped.
 * It gets incremented or decremented by one for each recursive to keep track
 * of the chip as it falls either to the left or right of each peg.
 * end - ending column for which we want to compute probability. If the peg
 * reaches the bottom (row == ROWS) and (col == end) then we add "prob"
 * to the running total probability.
 * prob - probability of reaching the currently computed path
void traverse(int row, int col, int end, fract prob)
    /* Stop recursing if the probability of the current path is zero */
    if (prob.value() < 0.00001)

    /* Stop recursing if the chip has reached the exiting row */
    if(row == ROWS) {
        /* Accumulate results if ending column is the one we need */
        if(col == end) {
            total_prob = total_prob + prob;
     * The boundry checks below are technically unnecessary since the
     * probability for moving off the edge of the board is 0, therefore the
     * boundry condition would be caught by the (prob < 0.00001) check in the
     * recursive call.

    /* If not in the leftmost column, recurse left */
    if (col > 0)
    	traverse(row + 1, col - 1, end, prob * (fract(1, 1) - board[row][col]));

    /* If not in the rightmost column, recurse right */
    if (col < (COLS - 1))
    	traverse(row + 1, col + 1, end, prob * board[row][col]);

/* Parse a single capital letter and return 0 for A, 2 for B, 4 for C, etc */
int parse_col(void)
    char c;

    /* Read the letter from stdin */
    cin >> c;

    /* Verify the column name is valid */
    if(c < 'A' || c > 'E')
        throw "Invalid column name";

    /* Convert letter to even column number */
    return (c - 'A') * 2;    

/* Parse the path name and calculate probabilities */
void process_path(void)
    int start, end;
    /* Read the starting/ending column number */
    start = parse_col();
    end = parse_col();    

    /* Initialize global variables used for accumulating results */
    total_paths = 0;
    total_prob = fract(0, 1);

    /* Print out the name of the path about to be computer */
    cout << (char) ('A' + (start / 2)) << "->";
    cout << (char) ('A' + (end / 2)) << " " << flush;
    /* Calculate the probabilities */
    traverse(0, start, end, fract(1, 1));

    /* Print out the results (the << automatically rounds numbers) */
    cout << total_paths << " paths, ";
    cout << (int) (total_prob.value() * 100);
    cout << "% chance" << endl;

/* Main body of program */
void process(void)
    int board_num, board_idx;
    /* Throw exceptions on unexpected EOF */
    /* Read how many boards are to be analyzed */
    cin >> board_num;

    /* Process each board separately */
    for(board_idx = 0; board_idx < board_num; board_idx++) {
    	int i;

    	/* Initialize probabilities */
	cout << "data set #" << board_idx + 1 << endl;

    	/* Parse the column names and compute the results */
	for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)

/* Run program and print out any exceptions that occur */
int main(void)
    /* Run main body of code */
    try {
    /* Catch any internally generated exceptions */
    catch(char const *e) {
    	cerr << "Exception: " << e << endl;
    /* Catch unexpected EOF on input */
    catch(ios::failure const &ee) {
        cerr << "Exception: Unexpected EOF on input" << endl;
    return 0;