#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <ext/hash_map>

using namespace std;

 * NOTE: hash_map is not in the C++ standard so it's anybody's guess which
 * include file and namespace it might be located in at the moment.
using namespace __gnu_cxx;

/* Total number of columns in board (including blank spaces) */
#define COLS 5

/* Total number of rows in board (actually rows of pegs) */
#define ROWS 5

 * Since solving this problem may require moderately deep recusrion, using a
 * bit vector to represent the board helps conserve stack space to avoid any
 * overflows. Each space on the board is represented with a single bit, where
 * a one bit indicates a peg is in place. The board is layed out in the vector
 * in row major order, with location [0][0] being the LSb in the vector. A bit
 * vector also makes a convenient hashing key since the value of the bit vector
 * as an integer can be used as the hash for caching.
int global_board;

 * Since the board is cross shaped, this vector defines those areas on the
 * board that a peg can or cannot move to (i.e. those represented by a '#' in
 * the input). A 1 bit indicates a valid square that pegs can move to.
int valid;

 * Since many different search paths can lead to the same board configuration
 * the search can be optimized by caching already explored boards and not
 * having to search them again. The hash table is indexed by the board
 * configuraton itself which can be conviniently represented as a single
 * integer.
hash_map<int, bool> cache;

 * This object is thrown as an exception in the main algorithm code if the
 * most possible optimal solution of only 1 peg ramaining is found. This
 * avoids wasting time searching for a more optimal solution if the most
 * optimally possible one was already found.
class traverse_exit {

/* Helper macro for computing bit position in the bit vector */ 
#define MASK(row, col) (1 << (((row) * COLS) + (col)))

/* Helper macro for testing/setting/clearing bit vector values */
#define TST(vector, row, col) ((vector) & MASK((row), (col)))
#define SET(vector, row, col) ((vector) |= MASK((row), (col)))
#define CLR(vector, row, col) ((vector) &= ~MASK((row), (col)))

/* The total number of pegs remaining for the best case computed so far */
int global_total;

/* Copy of board layout for an optimal solution (for debug only) */
int optimal_board;

/* Initialize board layout from the input */
void parse_board(void)
    int row, col;
    /* Iterate over all rows and columns */
    for(row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
        for(col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
            char c;
            /* Parse the next input character */
            cin >> c;
            switch(c) {
                /* A hash denotes invalid spaces where no peg can go */
                case '#':
                    CLR(valid, row, col);
                    CLR(global_board, row, col);
                /* A period indicates a valid space but with no peg on it */
                case '.': 
                    SET(valid, row, col);
                    CLR(global_board, row, col);

                /* A lowercase o indicates a valid space with a peg on it */
                case 'o':
                    SET(valid, row, col);
                    SET(global_board, row, col);
                /* Any other character is invalid */
                    throw "Invalid input character";

#ifdef DEBUG
/* Print out a given board solution (for debugging purposes only) */
void print_board(int board)
    int row, col;
    /* Iterate over all rows and columns */
    for(row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
        for(col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {

            /* Print out a '#' for invalid spaces */
            if(!TST(valid, row, col))
                cout << '#';
            /* Print out a 'o' for spaces with a peg in them */
            else if(TST(board, row, col))
                cout << 'o';
            /* Print out a '.' for empty spaces */
                cout << '.';
        cout << endl;

void traverse(int board, int total);

 * Given a peg location on the board and a direction to move it in, attempt
 * the move, calling traverse() with a new copy of the board if the move
 * is possible.
 * A peg can be moved under these circuimstances:
 * 1. Not too close to the edge (already checked for in traverse())
 * 2. Not trying to move into an invalid square
 * 3. The next space over has a peg in it which this peg will jump
 * 4. The 2nd space over is empty for the current peg to jump into
 * board - current instance of the board being considered
 * total - number of pegs in "board" (optimization to keep from recounting)
 * row - row number of peg to be moved
 * col - column number of peg to be moved
 * drow - +1/-1/0 if the peg is to move down/up/remain in same row
 * dcol - +1/-1/0 if the peg is to move right/left/remain in the same column
void move(int board, int total, int row, int col, int drow, int dcol)
    int drow2 = drow * 2;
    int dcol2 = dcol * 2;

    /* Cannot move if the next space over has no peg to jump */
    if(!TST(board, row + drow, col + dcol))

    /* Cannot move into an invalid square */
    if(!TST(valid, row + drow2, col + dcol2))
    /* Cannot move into an already occupied square */
    if(TST(board, row + drow2, col + dcol2))
    /* Update peg positions on the new board */
    CLR(board, row, col);
    CLR(board, row + drow, col + dcol);
    SET(board, row + drow2, col + dcol2);

    /* Call traverse() recursively with the new board */
    traverse(board, total - 1);

 * Given some board layout, try moving every peg on the board in all four
 * cardinal directions. If a move is successful, traverse() is called
 * recursively with a new copy of the board to compute possible moves from
 * that new layout, and so on. Recursion stops once no more pegs on the
 * board can be moved.
 * board - current instance of the board being considered
 * total - number of pegs in "board" (optimization to keep from recounting)
void traverse(int board, int total)
    int row, col;

    /* Record the current total if it is smaller than the best found so far */
    if(total < global_total) {
        global_total = total;
        optimal_board = board;
     * 1 or 0 (if the board had no pegs to begin with) pegs remaining is
     * the most possible optimal solution, therefore the search is aborted
     * to not waste any more time.
    if(global_total <= 1)
        throw traverse_exit();

     * If this board configuration has already been fully searched, do
     * not search it again.
    if(cache.find(board) != cache.end())
    /* Iterate over all rows and columns */
    for(row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
        for(col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
             * Look for any position with a peg in it, and then try moving the
             * peg in the four cardinal directions if it is not too close to
             * the edge of the board. The peg must be at least 2 spaces away
             * from the edge toward which it is moving.
            if(TST(board, row, col)) {
                /* Move left */
                if(col >= 2)
                    move(board, total, row, col, 0, -1);
                /* Move right */
                if(col <= (COLS - 3))
                    move(board, total, row, col, 0, +1);

                /* Move up */
                if(row >= 2)
                    move(board, total, row, col, -1, 0);
                /* Move down */
                if(row <= (ROWS - 3))
                    move(board, total, row, col, +1, 0);
    /* Mark this board configuration as having been fully explored */
    cache[board] = true;

/* Count how many pegs are present on the board */
int count_pegs(int board)
    int row, col, total = 0;
    /* Iterate over all rows and columns */
    for(row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
        for(col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
            /* Invalid spaces are always initialized to have no pegs */
            if(TST(board, row, col))
    return total;

/* Main body of program */
void process(void)
    int board_num, board_idx;
    /* Throw exceptions on unexpected EOF */
    /* Read how many boards are to be analyzed */
    cin >> board_num;

    /* Process each board separately */
    for(board_idx = 0; board_idx < board_num; board_idx++) {
        int i;

        /* Initialize bit vectors from input */
        /* Initialize global total to least optimal value (i.e. INTMAX) */
        global_total = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        /* Clear out all previously cached results */

        /* Recursively explore all possible moves */
	try {
	    traverse(global_board, count_pegs(global_board));
        catch(traverse_exit &e) {}
        /* Prinout out the results */
#ifdef DEBUG
        cout << "The best case ends with " << global_total << " pegs." << endl;

/* Run program and print out any exceptions that occur */
int main(void)
    /* Run main body of code */
    try {
    /* Catch any internally generated exceptions */
    catch(char const *e) {
        cerr << "Exception: " << e << endl;
    /* Catch unexpected EOF on input */
    catch(ios::failure const &ee) {
        cerr << "Exception: Unexpected EOF on input" << endl;
    return 0;